
True or False? 6 Myths and Truths About Hair During Pregnancy

“Hair dye is unsafe for your baby”, “Your hair will get thicker during pregnancy”, “Prepare yourself for hair loss after the birth”—mothers-to-be are bombarded with warnings and recommendations. But which of them are actually true? We set things straight with Matrix professional development consultant Caroline Verreault.

It’s important to note that a pregnant woman’s best ally—other than her partner!—is her doctor. So before your next hair appointment, take the time to discuss your hair plan with them. He or she is the best person to advise you.

  1. Women have thicker hair while pregnant.

TRUE. Pregnant women go through many hormonal changes. This increase in hormones, and more precisely estrogen, affects your strands: among other things, it slows down hair loss. This means that moms-to-be experience continued hair growth without the loss that usually comes with it (you lose around 100 strands per day). The result: hello, thicker locks!

  1. You should avoid colouring your hair during pregnancy.

FALSE. “It is completely safe to colour your hair during pregnancy. The tiny amount of chemical ingredients contained in hair dye isn’t absorbed by your body, and it in no way affects the foetus’ health”, insists Caroline. If this wasn’t the case, hair colorists’ children would be in pretty bad shape!

  1. Hormonal changes can affect your hair colour.

FALSE. Your hair may react differently during pregnancy, but rest assured: your colour won’t change as your hormones fluctuate. However, a product’s performance may vary slightly when applied—a situation your hair colour expert is likely to remedy without you even noticing. “To avoid any hair catastrophes or tears, I encourage all women to entrust their hair to an expert, especially when they are pregnant. At-home products are very unstable and the results can vary”, explains the Matrix expert.

  1. Be prepared for hair loss after giving birth!

TRUE. Most women experience hair loss for up to two months after giving birth. Although you may lose a considerable amount of hair, says Caroline, it is completely normal. After delivery, hormone secretion is greatly reduced, which can sometimes cause noticeable hair loss. The Matrix pro also insists that natural hair loss, which slows down for several months during pregnancy, starts up again after childbirth. This means the thousands of strands you would have normally lost over this period are likely to fall out once you’ve given birth, making the situation seem worse than it is. There is no need to panic! Everything will go back to normal after a few months. However, if you do continue to experience excessive hair loss six months after the baby is born, it is recommended to talk to your doctor about it.

  1. Your hair texture can change after pregnancy.

TRUE, for a minority of women. Big hormonal changes, such as the ones you go through during your teenage years, can affect your hair. The diameter of your strands will remain the same, but their colour or texture may change. This explains why after pregnancy, some women go from having light brown to medium brown hair, or their natural curls turn into waves.

  1. You should cut your hair after giving birth.

FALSE. For those who might think that cutting their hair could help slow down hair loss, don’t be fooled. Nature must follow its course. But changing your hairstyle can sometimes play a different role: the postpartum period can often be a rollercoaster ride of emotions for young mothers. Sometimes, a fresh hairstyle can work miracles on morale and self-confidence!

** Important: Each pregnancy is unique and hormonal changes vary from one person to person, so don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for advice if needed. **

3 WORRY-FREE essentials for moms-to-be

  1. Ammonia-free hair colour

For women who have trouble coping with the smell of ammonia during their pregnancy, ammonia-free hair dyes are the solution. Try Matrix ColorInsider or ColorSync.

  1. Natural products

Natural origin hair products like the Biolage R.A.W.collection are good for you, your baby, and the planet!


  1. Time-savers

New moms are often strapped for time. All you need are a few minutes to get dreamy locks thanks to the Style Link Boho collection’s three hair creams, which don’t require any hot tools. Simply apply, let air dry, and you’re done!

Find the best products, and book an appointment with a hair stylist or colourist near you:


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